SolTrust Revolutionizing Healthcare

Exploring the Nordics' Medical AI Endeavors with Generative AI and Large Language Models

- SolTrust : Meet our medical focused AI solution - Clinical decision support with in-house Medical-GPT model
- AI tools which can detect Brain tumors from MRI images.
- Generative AI for documenting medical reports

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Detecting Brain Tumor

AI model is trained to segment 3 nested subregions of primary brain tumors (gliomas).

Coding ICD 11 - ICD 10

Automated ICD Coding and Classification Systems using Discharge Summaries.

Journal records : Documentation

Employing generative AI to achieve standardized documentation and summarization for the journal text.

Advance End-to-End Medical solutions

Advanced end-to-end medical solutions leverage artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) algorithms to analyze vast amounts of medical data. These algorithms can assist in diagnosing diseases, predicting patient outcomes, and identifying potential treatment options. For example, AI-powered image recognition algorithms can accurately detect abnormalities in medical scans, such as X-rays or MRIs, aiding radiologists in making more precise diagnoses.

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Call us : +46-734882607

Visit us : Sländvägen 8, Stockholm, Sweden